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The Atlantic Voice Podcast

Wafting across the pastoral vistas of the New Basement Studios by the Lake, welcome to the Atlantic Voice Podcast - 3000 miles of opinion.

Join Eric and Zeff twice a month for some fact, some opinion, some opinion masquerading as fact, all leavened with a little laughter!

Dec 21, 2021

It's a Christmas Show! But not a Christmas Special. Because Eric has been busy smoking chickens, and Zeff has been taking a test and buying gifts for his mother. And instead of "Best of Games," there's just a "Best of Games" preview. Oh well. If you were looking for Christmassy pod, well, there's years of them in the back catalog....who says we never give you anything???

2012  2013  2013(2)  12days  12days(2)  2015  2015(2)  Catalogs  Catalogs(2)  90sXmas  90sXmas(2)  VarietyShow  Variety(2)  BigFellaXmas  Big(2)  LockdownXmas